Halloween party

Halloween Charcuterie Board

Impress your friends this fall with a Halloween themed charcuterie board!

I used a skeleton from my halloween decoration lot (most likely from Michael’s originally), gave it a bath for food safe purposes and gently removed his limbs- I was lucky they were in with screws and pins that could be easily removed.

I probably had too much fun with the bath but I mean you can’t be too careful when it comes to food safety!

For the board, I chose sliced baguette, garlic butter, strawberries, grapes, plums, brie, mini mozzarella wheels, sliced pepperoni and various deli meats and garnished with some fresh parsley.

I am declaring that your charcuterie board can be anything you desire however. Just consider the colour choices for aesthetics.

I also made a small plate for those who aren’t ready to embrace the spooky just yet, same ingredients just less skeleton.