
Floral Wedding Cake and Cupcakes

I had the honor of doing my brother’s wedding cake and cupcakes this year. I hate to toot my own horn but it turned out to be some of the best work I think I’ve ever done.

It helped that his fiancée wanted a design I was very skilled at, I have decades of icing work behind me at this point in life (fondant is not my thing) so that certainly helped.

Photos below were taken by Sugar Snap Photography

My sister-in-law had originally sent me some idea of cupcake designs that she liked and her wedding colours and I decided I would do all of them LOL which created this incredibly fun tower garden. I am so pleased with how it turned out and the reviews were great- both beautiful and delicious.

Friends Cupcakes

I got the honor to do a batch of FRIENDS inspired cupcakes!

These were for a bachelorette party which was a nice change of pace from doing * ahem * body part cakes for these sort of events.

This post contains affiliate links for some of my favorite products.

FRIENDS inspired cupcakes

We went with some awesome quotes- my favorites were “PIVOT” and “It’s the humidity!”. I am a huge FRIENDS fan and the Pivot episode is easily my favorite, I still die of laughter every time I watch it.

The humidity quote spoke to me, not only because I have the same issue as Monica when it comes to my hair, but making these cupcakes was in a classic Nova Scotia humid summer.

FRIENDS cupcakes

Below is a few items I used to make the cupcakes.