Charcuterie board

Halloween Charcuterie Board

Impress your friends this fall with a Halloween themed charcuterie board!

I used a skeleton from my halloween decoration lot (most likely from Michael’s originally), gave it a bath for food safe purposes and gently removed his limbs- I was lucky they were in with screws and pins that could be easily removed.

I probably had too much fun with the bath but I mean you can’t be too careful when it comes to food safety!

For the board, I chose sliced baguette, garlic butter, strawberries, grapes, plums, brie, mini mozzarella wheels, sliced pepperoni and various deli meats and garnished with some fresh parsley.

I am declaring that your charcuterie board can be anything you desire however. Just consider the colour choices for aesthetics.

I also made a small plate for those who aren’t ready to embrace the spooky just yet, same ingredients just less skeleton.

Fruit and Veggie Party Displays

Pineapple display.jpg

Let’s be honest here, we can’t just live off sweets (as much as we’d like to). We must remember to balance even when entertaining. Enjoy some simple Fruit and Veggie party displays you can easily recreate at home.

It really doesn’t need to be fancy, if you have the quantity, neat piles and diverse colours will make a beautiful display.

In the new world of entertaining with the looming threat of COVID-19, having toothpicks available for people to snag their goods without touching the platter can make a big difference when it comes to contamination.

Let’s keep the parties going with healthy habits like fruit and veggie platters, hand washing and following public health protocolls!

I snuck a cookie tray in there too because what’s life without a little whimsy. Not to be a total kill joy below are some drool worthy cupcake displays that your guests will love.

To get one the trendy charcuterie board wagon here are some delectable couple sized charcuterie plates for your enjoyment.